May 15, 2008



May 7, 2008


终于要离开Te Puke了,离开这个我在纽西兰生活了最久的小镇,拥有最多朋友的地方。KC说这个星期是离别周,因为我和Zenki都会在这个星期陆续离开。离别前一晚忙着收拾行李,没太多时间和人道别。走的那一刻也实在太匆忙了,连拥抱也来不及。真的是匆匆的来,匆匆的去。




Cool cool的Aimie和美卉

Zenki 教我们烤cheese cake替我饯行。虽然是焦焦的,可是还蛮好吃的。(好违背良心的话^^)
间中有joanne, cassey和Sotong在帮忙/捣蛋。谢谢你们。
Today while the blossoms
Still cling to the vine
I'll taste your strawberries
I'll drink your sweet wine
A million tomorrow
Shall all pass away
Are we forget all the joy
that is our Today....

May 2, 2008

Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland, Rotorua

Rotorua Duck Tours
Rotorua is well-known for geothermal activity. There are a number of geysers, notably the Pohutu geyser at Whakarewarewa, and hot mud pools located in the city.
Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland is New Zealand's most colourful natural volcanic area.
Thousands of years in the making but only 20 minutes drive south of Rotorua.
Due to we reached too late around 11am, we missed the Lady Knox Geyser erupts daily at 10:15am (to heights of up to 20 metres).
Close to the constantly bubbling and erupting "Mud Pool"

Huge volcanic craters

Nestled with a natural bush setting, walks through this unique volcanic area take between 30 and 75 minutes.

there are many key natural features here including the world famous, multi-coloured Champagne Pool

Unique sinter terrace formations

Spectacular range of colours- green color lake

Rotorua Art & History Museum

Finger trees

Hot spa pool for tired legs

May 1, 2008

Papamoa Hill Again

Today KC, Aimie, Sotong, Cacing, MeiHui, and Terence wanted to go hiking at Papamoa Hill. They invite me to join them. I joined them due to the previous scary experience, that's because I wanted to know what is the normal route to get up to the hill. I wanted to know how to get down from the hill by the "mystery way" that we can't find that day.

It's a sunny day, best for hiking

this is silver fern, symbolic of NZ 银嶡

heaps of mushroom along the way

& this is bigger than my face!

black face sheeps, we called them “包公羊”

Actually the normal route people use to get up the hill is really easy. If you use the same way to go down, it's easy too. But if you use another way to go up, you will find it difficult to find the correct path, especially when it's in the dark.

We cross the fence here from another hill that night and lost our direction
this is the sign that confused us for the direction (in the dark)

the curious sheeps look at us like we disturb the tranquility

it's a windy day

sitting in the breeze

nice view from the hill


hey, what are we doing? look at my hair

jump! I can fly

Today is really windy. 好大风啊!

the feeling is just like doing sky diving, thanks for the strong wind, I can feel it again. ^^

waiting for sunset again? 扮野