Te Puke is a place famous for kiwi fruit plantation. There are a lot when of kiwi fruit orchard & packhouse in this small town. But lots of people, especially working holiday maker will come to this place every year during March to June due to the harvest of kiwi fruits.
I've contacted one of the packhouse, Trevelyan's to book my seat before I come to New Zealand. Due to dissatisfaction of the job in pumpkin factory, I decided to leave Hastings to Tepuke after 2 weeks there. As 'F4' also looking for job, I recommend them togo with me together and reserve the place in Trevelyan's. However, the person in charge has not confirm with me on the start work date just ask us to go there first. After dropped by Taupo, we headed forward to Te Puke. Te Puke is a quiet & small town. We waited for 2 hours in the KFC for Trevelyan's staff to pick us to the campsite. Finally we were brought to the caravan campsite & assigned for our own caravan.
Caravan campsite/ house of living room, kitchen & toilet/ my bed
I met a tiny size girl from Macau when I entered to my caravan~ Zenki. She is friendly. She help me to carry my bag to the caravan. It was a small caravan can suit for 3 people. My small bed is just beside the door. We have another roomate~ KC from Taiwan, my fist impression for her is this girl is 'cool'. It might be because she worked as an instructor in army school. But in fact she has a warm heart who are willing to help friends. Three of us live like a small family.
Me, KC & Zenki/ Grapes in front of wooden house / campsite
I'm glad that I have my own sleeping bag because the condition in the caravan is really not that comfortable & hygiene.
I stayed in a caravan before but not like this, the previous one was nicer & bigger space. This one has no water supply and no toilet. The kitchen & the toilet were located outsite about 100m away. That's the most inconvenient thing to stay in the caravan. You will feel hot during the day time especially during summer, and feel cold during night time especially freezing during winter.
Anyhow, it's special experience to stay in a cozy caravan here.
There are many Asian stay here, I guess 90%, most of them from Malaysia, Taiwan & Hong Kong. I got to know many good friends here, we always have fun in this place even though in a poor living environment. Just like brother & sister in a family.
I stayed in a caravan before but not like this, the previous one was nicer & bigger space. This one has no water supply and no toilet. The kitchen & the toilet were located outsite about 100m away. That's the most inconvenient thing to stay in the caravan. You will feel hot during the day time especially during summer, and feel cold during night time especially freezing during winter.
Anyhow, it's special experience to stay in a cozy caravan here.
There are many Asian stay here, I guess 90%, most of them from Malaysia, Taiwan & Hong Kong. I got to know many good friends here, we always have fun in this place even though in a poor living environment. Just like brother & sister in a family.
TE PUKE 是个拥有我最多回忆的纽西兰小镇。在这里,经历了酸甜苦辣,有开心也有不愉快。可是留在心里的,也只有美丽的回忆。 生活在这个宁静的小镇,日子过得很简单。我们除了在奇异果包装厂工作,下班了就聚在集厨房、客厅和厕所的小屋里,轮流洗澡、准备晚餐、看电视节目、谈天说地。这里也是我们学习厨艺,和各地不同生活背景的人互相交流的小天地。曾经这里的沙发也曾是我在停电的夜晚避寒的睡床。 至于我们所住的车屋,夏暖冬寒。大热天是会变烤箱,冷天时变冰箱。三个人“挤挤一堂”,挤在这个铁皮屋里。刚开始蛮新奇的,久了就尝到不便得滋味。试想想外面下着倾盆大雨,而你憋尿憋得快不行了。。又或是半夜醒来想尿尿,打开门,外面却寒风阵阵,却还要在黑暗中走约100尺去厕所。。。。虽然,环境看起来蛮糟的,可是我们却还是住得蛮开心的,全因有一班臭味相投的朋友闹在一块。
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